Information for Schools

Hawaiʻi Open Arts (HŌʻĀ) Program

Application Information (School year 2024-2025)

HŌ‘Ā (Hawai'i Open Arts) is an ‘āina-based arts program that helps students develop emotional well-being & a sense of place through immersive arts & mālama ‘āina experiences. Students and their teachers work with a Teaching Artist and ‘Āina Educator during five scaffolded sessions that introduce them to their home ahupua‘a or moku, engage them in culturally meaningful work, and lead them through the artistic process to reflect on an important emotion or idea. Two of the five sessions will take place in the mālama ‘āina site where the ‘Āina Educator is based. These field trips will offer students an opportunity to build relationships with a culturally important place near their home while reflecting on their learning through art making with the Teaching Artist. The Hawaiʻi SFCA’s Art in Public Places artwork will play a key role in helping students connect their learning at the mālama ʻāina site with their lives. Lessons will be tied to Nā Hopena A‘o and National Core Arts Standards.

The HŌ‘Ā program is for grades 2-6. All elementary public and charter schools are eligible, with preference given to schools within HŌ‘Ā ahupua‘a/moku hub areas (currently: Ko‘olaupoko, O‘ahu; Wai‘anae, O‘ahu; Hōlualoa, Hawai‘i Island).

Participation of a minimum of one grade level per school.

Commitment to two classroom sessions, two field trips, and a student-led presentation facilitated by classroom teachers. The required instructional time per classroom session is 1-2 hrs. The required instructional time per field trip is 3 hrs minimum. Teachers will be expected to dedicate time as needed to support their students in the creation and execution of their presentation.

Commitment from administration and participating faculty to:

  • Designate a staff person or faculty member to be a point of contact for the school and assure the coordination of program schedules, bus reservations, and the collection of field trip and media release forms. This person will also be expected to act as a liaison between the HŌ‘Ā program teaching team and the school community.

  • Designate a classroom space where the Teaching Artist and ‘Āina-based Educator can complete the art activities. Please note that different art forms will have different space needs.

  • Schedule and encourage teachers to attend a half-day kick-off event, which will include an introduction to the program and ‘āina-based education PD.

  • Schedule a 1 hour mandatory time block for all participating teachers to engage in an orientation session led by HŌ‘Ā staff at the school.

  • Classroom teachers are expected to participate fully in all program activities, including supporting their students in the creation and execution of a presentation for younger students, parents, or community (“Session 5”)

  • Send a written letter to the State Representative and Senator from the school’s district thanking them for supporting the HŌ‘Ā program through funding from the SFCA’s Art in Public Places program. Please send a copy of the letter to the HŌ‘Ā program director:

  • Participating teachers individually complete a final online program evaluation.

Applications Due April 15th 2024

Ready to apply?

Applications are due April 15th, 2024